The Veterinarian that I admire...
10:09 | Author: Jay P

The Veterinarian that I admire is my great uncle, Joaquín Ipinza Regla.

He studied in this very University ( Universidad de Chile) and he graduated in 1962.
Being veterinarian, more than dedicate his attention to big animals, or more common animals that are treated by this kind of professionals (like cows,pigs,dogs, cats,etc.) he dedicated his life to little animals, like insects (yeah, insects) among which stand out the ants, species which he has dedicated most of his professional career (developing important researches). This peculiarity permitted him to be acknowledged (or called) by his pupils as “ The Ants professor”, when he was academic of the Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences where he worked in Zoology area.

His charisma, his teaching quality and his valuable teachings that demonstrate that the life of all animals are significant, whether their size are( referring to his dear ants which he carried to classes in a terrarium) carried him to be one of the most appreciated professors by the students of that generation.